Why provide company-branded apparel? Well, there are numerous reasons. Branded apparel can give your employees a polished, professional look. It will increase impressions and bring brand awareness to your business. Logoed clothing is a continuous form of advertising that is seen by current clients and potential customers. It can also be a great boost to employee morale and will make employees feel united. Providing company branded clothing will show your employees they’re an integral part of a team and that helps keep their focus on the business and its mission.
If you’re proud of your company’s brand, select apparel that presents that. When choosing apparel for your brand, here are some other things you should consider.
Things to consider when choosing apparel for your brand:
- Comfort and functionality – If you’re asking your employees to wear logoed apparel, make sure they’re comfortable in doing so! Consider things like the climate you’re in and what duties your employees will be performing. If you’re a roofing company in Arizona, your employees probably won’t get much use out of logoed hoodies and beanies.
- Company Culture – If you’re a younger, more progressive startup in say the marketing realm or selling skateboards, consider athletic leisure or “comfy clothes”. Your presentation should match your vibe. However, if you’re business is a 5-star resort in the Florida Keys you may want to consider embroidered polos to represent your brand.
- Impressions – Company branded apparel is cost-effective marketing, but it still costs. Invest in apparel that employees will want to wear even on the weekends. The more the apparel is worn the more impressions your business will get. Building brand awareness pays off!
- Employee opinions – If you’re unsure of what your employees will wear, just ask.
Ultimately, company-branded apparel can bring certain professionalism to your team regardless of the industry you are in. If your fashion sense leveled off at age three, no problem, D R Designs can help you choose the proper brands and styles for your team!